Small Animal Info

Paralysis ticks Ixodes holocyclus (also known as dog ticks, shell-backs or scrub ticks) are found on the east coast of Australia. They can be fatal to your pets – once attached they release a toxin from their salivary glands that affects the animals central nervous system and causes paralysis. The biggest risk involves vomiting whilst upper airway muscles are paralysed which can result in them inhaling their vomit and lead to pneumonia.

On the plateau we regularly see cases of snake bites in our pets. With about ¼ of our country's Common-brown-snake-lighter-colorsnakes being poisonous, on average around 6.5 thousand pets are reported to have been bitten by snakes each year. The species we encounter in Dorrigo include brown snakes, black snakes, tiger snakes and death adders.

Click here to access an article that has been published in the Veterinary Journal by an Honours student from Sydney University. It looks at the relationship between the weather and the occurance of tick paralysis in cats and dogs as well as the occurance of canine parvovirus. It looks at the southern oscillation indexx and rainfall along the east coast of Australia.

This is a balanced daily diet sufficient for an adult dog weighing 10 kg to provide all of the nutritional require­ments for maintenance of normal body weight.

Also known as Compound 1080 or sodium monofluoroacetate, 1080 is a blue liquid used widely in australia for the control of pest species.

3 dogs small

Dogs are the most susceptible species to the toxin and we frequently see accidental poisonings occuring around Dorrigo.

Following ingestion of the toxin, rapid onset and progression of clinical signs (within 30mins to 2 hours depending on the dose) accounts for the poor prognosis and requirement for immediate veterinary attention. Poisoning can be fatal 2-12 hours following the onset of clinical signs without treatment.

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Clinic Hours
Mon - Fri:8.30am - 5.00pm

Phone:02 6657 2416
Emergency:02 6657 2416(24 hours)
Fax:02 6657 2797

Address:12 Hickory St,

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